Westminster Highway Mural

The mural aims to portray a close-knit community thriving in harmony with nature and embracing diversity. Using individual blocks as puzzle pieces, the artwork weaves together various aspects of the community's values to form a vibrant tapestry, symbolizing the interconnectedness of both nature and its people. Inspired by Henri Matisse's colourful and playful style, the mural incorporates bold hues, expressive lines, and a sense of movement, infusing joy and vibrancy into the artwork.

Designed to grace a retaining wall in Hamilton, the mural seeks to capture the essence of a community deeply connected to its natural surroundings and each other. Through community engagement activities, the artist actively listened to residents' stories and experiences, identifying key themes that influenced the design. Local symbols, imagery, and even celebrations of local wildlife residents (eg Justin Beaver) found their place in the artwork.


Opus Coquitlam Mural


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